Are budgies scared of thunders

Are Budgies Scared of Thunder?

Budgies, also known as parakeets, are charming and intelligent birds that have become popular pets around the world. As with any pet, it’s essential to understand their behaviors and reactions to different stimuli to ensure their well-being. One common question that often arises among budgie owners is, “Are budgies scared of thunder?” In this comprehensive article, we’ll explore this topic in-depth, covering various aspects of budgies’ behaviors during thunderstorms and providing valuable insights on how to support and comfort them through these challenging events.

Understanding Budgie Behavior

To comprehend how thunderstorms affect budgies, we must first understand their typical behavior in various situations. Budgies are social creatures that thrive on routine and positive interactions with their human caregivers. They are known for their playful nature and ability to bond closely with their owners.

Budgies’ acute senses make them highly attuned to their environment. They can perceive subtle changes in the atmosphere and respond to any perceived threats or disturbances promptly. As flock animals in the wild, budgies rely on communication and alertness to ensure their safety.

Thunderstorms: A Natural Trigger for Fear

In the wild, budgies live in open habitats, such as grasslands and savannas, where they can see potential predators from a distance. Sudden loud noises and flashes of light are uncommon in these environments. When thunderstorms occur, the loud thunderclaps and bright lightning are unfamiliar and alarming to budgies.

In the face of such events, a budgie’s survival instincts kick in, prompting a stress response to the perceived danger. This fear is further heightened by their inability to escape the storm’s effects while confined to their cages indoors.

scared budgie

The Perplexing Nature of Thunderstorms

The perplexity of thunderstorms lies in their unpredictability. Storms can strike without warning, catching both humans and pets off guard. For budgies, this unpredictability amplifies their fear, as they cannot anticipate when the next thunderstorm will occur. This lack of control over their environment contributes to their anxiety and distress during such events.

Burstiness and Its Impact

Burstiness refers to the unpredictable clustering of events, where a series of occurrences happen in quick succession, followed by long periods of quiet. Thunderstorms are a prime example of burstiness, where the sudden thunderclaps can startle budgies, followed by periods of silence before the next loud boom.

This bursty pattern can be highly stressful for budgies, as they remain on high alert during quiet intervals, anticipating the next loud noise. It disrupts their sense of safety and security, further intensifying their fear of thunderstorms.

Signs of Fear in Budgies During Thunderstorms

During thunderstorms, budgies may exhibit various signs of fear and stress. As caring pet owners, it’s crucial to recognize these signs and respond accordingly to comfort and support them:

1. Feather Puffing

When budgies feel threatened or anxious, they may puff up their feathers as a defense mechanism. This behavior makes them appear larger, potentially deterring perceived threats.

2. Vocalizations

Budgies may vocalize more than usual during thunderstorms. You may hear them squawking, chirping, or making other distress calls as a way to communicate their unease.

3. Hiding

To seek safety, budgies may attempt to hide in their cages or any sheltered areas they find comforting. This behavior is a natural response to perceived danger.

4. Agitation

An agitated budgie may display restless movements, such as rapid pacing or fluttering around its enclosure.

5. Loss of Appetite

Fear and stress can cause budgies to lose interest in eating. If your pet bird stops eating during a thunderstorm, it might indicate heightened anxiety.

Coping Strategies for Scared Budgies

As responsible budgie owners, we can take several measures to help our feathered companions cope with their fear during thunderstorms:

1. Create a Safe Environment

Ensuring your budgie’s cage is secure and away from windows during storms will minimize exposure to flashing lights and loud sounds. The cage should be a sanctuary where the budgie feels safe and protected.

2. Provide Comfort and Reassurance

Spending time near your budgie’s cage and talking to it in a soothing voice can offer a sense of security and reassurance. Your presence during the storm can make a significant difference in calming your pet.

3. Cover the Cage

Covering the cage with a light cloth can create a safe and enclosed space, making the budgie feel more secure during the storm. Some budgies find comfort in the darkness and reduced visual stimuli.

4. Calming Music

Playing soft and calming music in the background can help mask the noise of thunder and provide a soothing atmosphere. Music with nature sounds or classical melodies can be particularly calming.

5. Positive Association

Over time, you can create positive associations with the sound of thunder by offering treats or favorite toys during storms. This conditioning can help lessen the fear response.

The Importance of Weather Awareness

As budgie owners, being weather-aware is vital. Monitoring weather forecasts and being prepared for potential thunderstorms can help you plan and make necessary adjustments to minimize the impact on your pet bird.


In conclusion, budgies can indeed be scared of thunder due to their sensitive nature and acute hearing. Thunderstorms can induce fear and stress in these lovely pet birds, leading to various behavioral changes. However, with proper care, comfort, and understanding, we can support our budgies during these challenging times and provide them with a sense of security.

Thunderstorms are natural phenomena that may seem unsettling to budgies, but as their caregivers, we have the power to alleviate their fear and provide a safe haven during these events. By respecting their individual comfort levels and employing calming strategies, we can help our budgies cope with thunderstorms and ensure their well-being.


1. Can budgies get used to thunderstorms over time?

Yes, with patience and gradual exposure, some budgies may become less fearful of thunderstorms. However, every bird is unique, and it’s essential to respect their individual comfort levels.

2. Should I cover the cage during every thunderstorm?

No, covering the cage should be an option, not a necessity. Some budgies may find comfort in it, while others may prefer to remain uncovered.

3. Are there any long-term effects of thunderstorm-induced fear?

If a budgie experiences severe and repeated stress from thunderstorms, it might lead to health issues. It’s crucial to provide them with a safe environment and seek veterinary advice if needed.

4. Can playing calming music benefit budgies during other stressful situations?

Yes, playing soft music or white noise can help alleviate stress during various disturbances, not just thunderstorms.

5. How can I tell if my budgie is particularly frightened during a storm?

Watch for signs like excessive vocalization, rapid breathing, and persistent hiding, which indicate higher levels of fear and stress.

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