English budgie vs American Budgie

English Budgies | English Budgie vs American Budgie

English budgies are popular with budgies breeders and budgies pet owners because of their size, color, and beauty. According to herebird.com, these English budgies were first time introduced in England during the 19th and early 20th centuries by selective breeding of native Australian Budgerigar.

 English budgies come in different beautiful colors and are famous as show budgies.

Due to continue work on selective breeding, English budgies become distinct from original parakeets.

English budgie’s size and appearance

Although both English and American budgies are the same species Melopsittacus undulates, there are some slight differences in their size and appearance because of selective breeding.

Size is the main difference between American budgies and English budgies. Common wild budgie size is 7.5 inches (19cm) while English budgie size is 10 inches (24.5cm). Remember size is from the start of the head to the tip of the tail.

 The weight of an American or common budgie is half compared to the English budgies. Common budgies range from 25 to 35 grams while English budgies weigh 45 to 65 grams. Weight is one of the reasons that English budgies are more peaceful.

English budgies also differ in their appearance from American budgies. Firstly their head is larger and yellow with blown feathers in different patterns. Fluffy feathers on the neck and eyes are covered with head feathers in some types.

English budgies personality

Being show birds, English budgies are calmer and less noisy while American budgies are restless flying from one perch to other continuously. They are not much shy as other birds.

English budgies show less aggression and usually do not bite. Even when annoyed too much their bite is not dangerous. This makes English budgies safe as a pet in a family with children.

They are considered calm birds, friendly with children and owners, and like to play and hop around.

Do English budgies talk?

According to birdcagesnow.com, English budgies hold the record for most words learned by the bird with over 1700 words.

It is obvious from this fact that they are talkative birds and good at mimicking. It is easier to teach bird mimic when kept single because they learn budgie’s sound when kept in a group. Teaching budgies how to talk is time taking. Be patient and consistent with little fellows, they will not disappoint you.

They spend most part of the day singing and chirping which is not loud. Males bob their heads and sing to impress the female.

Can English budgies breed?

Same as American budgies, it is easy to breed English budgies. There is no specific season of their breeding and female lay 4 eggs on average. Egg hatch within 20 days of incubation and depend on parents for feeding for the first 40 days. After 40 to 45 days babies start feeding on their own and are mature to breed after six months.

After six months, the coloration of their cere helps differentiate male and female. Males have bluish cere while females have white ones. Female’s cere color changes to brownish during the breeding season.

English budgies care

English budgies need more care than common parakeets. Being wild with a strong immune system, Australian or American budgies are less vulnerable to diseases. English budgies will catch disease more easily and hence need extra care. Some common diseases in English budgies are French molt, Scaly legs, Polyomavirus and Bumblefoot. Make sure a vet attends to your bird if there is any problem with your bird.

Food is the same as common budgies. Verity is a key to keep English budgies healthy and active. Pellets with multiple grains, vegetables, and fruits make good food for little fellows. The availability of fresh water is also essential. Use hanging water feeders during winter to avoid budgies bathing which could be problematic.

As English budgies are large in size than common budgies, they need a larger cage with more space. The ideal cage size for an English budgie is 35 inches long, 20 inches wide, and 25 inches wide.

Remember to add some toys and natural wood perches of different sizes for bird exercise.

English budgies lifespan

When we talk about lifespan, common or American budgies get the lead. Yes, English budgies have a short lifespan of 5-7 years while American budgies live 12-15 years on average.

Diet, exercise, and care are some factors on which the life span of budgies depends. If well cared for, it is not unusual to see budgies living more than average lifespan.

Cost of English budgies

English budgies cost between $60 to $100 depending upon the variety of birds and your location. While a good quality common budgie is available for only in $15. Still cost of English budgies is affordable as other large pet birds cost thousands.

The only worry to pet an English budgie is the initial cost including cage, food, cage accessories (i.e. perches, toys, and food dishes), and of course cost of the bird. It will cost you roughly $450 in the first month and $25 to $35 onward.

Should I get English Budgie?

I am sure you would have decided whether an English budgie is a good pet for you or not while going through the article. A short lifespan is the only drawback that can make you think of an alternative.

If you are looking for a budget-friendly calm bird, believe me, English budgies should be your choice.

American Budgies: A Brief Introduction

Initially recognized in the United States, American Budgies descended from selective breeding programs that focused on the Australian Budgerigar species. Their development took place during the early 20th century, tailoring specific traits and characteristics to distinguish them from their Australian counterparts.

Distinctive Traits and Appearance

While sharing the same species classification, Melopsittacus undulatus, American Budgies showcase slight variations in size and appearance owing to their selective breeding history.

Unlike their larger counterparts, English Budgies, American Budgies typically measure around 7.5 inches (19cm) in length from head to tail, presenting a more diminutive stature. Additionally, they weigh approximately 25 to 35 grams, demonstrating a lighter build compared to the sturdier English Budgies.

In terms of appearance, American Budgies feature vibrant plumage in a myriad of colors, captivating enthusiasts with their unique and attractive patterns.

American Budgie Personality

Renowned for their spirited and active nature, American Budgies exhibit a lively demeanor, often seen swiftly fluttering from perch to perch. They showcase a curious and energetic personality, displaying an inherent playfulness that keeps them in constant motion.

While not as reserved as some other avian species, American Budgies may exhibit occasional shyness, but they readily bond with their owners, showcasing their amiable and friendly disposition.

Can American Budgies Talk?

American Budgies possess an impressive capacity for vocalization and mimicry, making them adept at learning various sounds and words. Though they might not reach the extensive vocabulary of their English Budgie counterparts, they excel in mimicking phrases and sounds with enthusiasm.

These sociable creatures thrive on interaction and enjoy engaging with both their human companions and fellow birds. Their chirping and melodious songs form an integral part of their social interactions, often displaying their happiness and contentment.

American Budgie Breeding

Similar to English Budgies, American Budgies are relatively easy to breed. They do not adhere to specific breeding seasons and typically lay around 4 eggs per clutch, which hatch after an incubation period of about 18 to 21 days. The young birds become independent after approximately 4 to 5 weeks, reaching breeding maturity around 6 months of age.

Proper care and attention are essential for the well-being of American Budgies. A varied diet consisting of pellets, seeds, fresh vegetables, and fruits ensures their nutritional needs are met. Providing a spacious cage equipped with toys, perches, and ample room for exercise is crucial for their physical and mental stimulation.

American budgie Lifespan and Cost

American Budgies, on average, have a longer lifespan compared to their English counterparts, living approximately 12 to 15 years when provided with proper care, a balanced diet, and a conducive environment.

In terms of cost, American Budgies are relatively affordable, with prices ranging from $15 to $25 depending on the variety and breeder location. The initial setup cost including the bird, cage, accessories, and food averages around $200 to $250.

Should I Get American Budgies

When considering a pet bird, the American Budgie emerges as an excellent choice for enthusiasts seeking an active, sociable, and long-living avian companion. Their playful nature and entertaining antics make them wonderful additions to households looking for lively and engaging pets.

The decision to welcome an American Budgie into your home depends on your preferences for an energetic and socially interactive feathered friend. With proper care and attention, these delightful birds promise years of joy and companionship.

English Budgie vs American Budgie

English Budgie and American Budgie, also known as the English Parakeet and American Parakeet respectively, are two variations of the budgerigar species Melopsittacus undulatus. While both are essentially the same species, they have notable differences in terms of size, appearance, and breeding standards. Here’s a table highlighting the main differences between English and American Budgies:

AspectEnglish BudgieAmerican Budgie
SizeGenerally larger, with a broader build and featheringSmaller in size, more streamlined appearance
Body ShapeStockier and broader bodySlimmer and more streamlined body
Head SizeTypically larger head sizeSmaller head in proportion to body
FeatheringMore abundant and fluffier feathersSleeker and less fluffy feathers
Face and CheeksProminent, broader cheek patchesCheek patches are less pronounced
Color VarietyWide range of color mutations and combinationsStandard colors and fewer mutations observed
Show/Breeding StandardsPreferred in show competitions due to larger sizeLess favored in show competitions due to size
Breeding CharacteristicsOften used for breeding larger, show-quality birdsPopular as pets due to smaller, manageable size

These differences mainly arise due to selective breeding practices and preferences in different regions. English Budgies are often favored for their larger size and show qualities, whereas American Budgies are typically preferred as pets due to their smaller, more manageable size and sleek appearance.


1. Do English budgies require more space than American budgies?

English budgies tend to benefit from a slightly larger living space due to their larger size and robust build. However, providing ample room for both varieties is essential for their well-being.

2. Which budgie type is easier to train?

American budgies are often considered more trainable due to their higher energy levels and sociable nature, making them quicker learners in various training exercises.

3. Can English and American budgies live together in harmony?

Yes, with proper introductions and adequate space, English and American budgies can cohabit peacefully, enjoying each other’s company within the same aviary or living space.

4. What is the average lifespan of English and American budgies?

Both English and American budgies have a similar average lifespan of approximately 5 to 10 years, depending on their care, diet, and living conditions.

5. Are English budgies more expensive than American budgies?

Typically, English budgies are priced higher than American budgies due to their larger size, distinctive appearance, and specific breeding for show purposes.

Read more: Is Budgie a Good Pet? | All About Budgies

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